Experience the difference of a newly renovated chalet, located in the heart of the idyllic alpine village Podkoren, with all modern comforts and sensational mountain views.

+386 41 290 654
Podkoren 79, 4280 Kranjska Gora

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      /  Local Services

    Local Services

    Podkoren. Kranjska Gora.
    Local Services

    Supermarkets & local shops

    There is a small supermarket in the neighbouring village (Rateče) next to the church called “Tromeja”: Address: Rateče 167b, 4283 Rateče – Kranjska Gora Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 7.30-17.00,Sun:7.30-11.00

    The garage between Kranjska Gora and Podkoren is also useful for some items. 

    There is a bigger supermarket in the centre of Kranjska Gora Kranjska Gora Supermarket: Address: Borovška 92, 4280 Kranjska Gora Opening hours:

    Mon-Sat: 7.00-19.00 Sun: 8.00-12.00 

    There is also a smaller Mercator on the edge of Kranjska Gora:


    In Kranjska Gora you will also find a great fruit and vegetable stall next to Vitranc Apartments in the centre of the town behind Hotel Prisank. There is a bakery along the road running out of town from Hotel Kotnik, plus post office, gift shops, bank and various other useful amenities.

    If you are arriving late to Ljubljana airport your best bet for shopping is a large supermarket only 5-10 minutes drive from the airport. When you come out of the airport turn left and follow the road to Kranj. As you hit the town there is a roundabout and on the right you will see a large building with a red sign saying Mercator.

    Local Services

    Useful & Emergency Numbers

    Taxi Companies

    +386 41 622 226

    +386 51 226 117


    Doctor – Zdravnik
    Koroška ulica 2, 4280 Kranjska Gora Tel: +386 (0)4 5884604

    Pharmacy – Lekarna 


    Local Dentist – Zobozdravnik

    Koroška ulica 2, 4280 Kranjska Gora Tel: +386 (0)4 5884605


    Emergency numbers

    National Emergency Numbers Police – Policija 113

    Fire Brigade – Gasilci 112 Ambulance – Resilci 112

    Hospital – Bolnišnica
    Cesta Maršala Tita 112, Jesenice Tel: +386 (0)4 5868000

    In the event of any problems please call:

    Mateja Berce: +386 41 691 132

    Mateja Berce speaks Slovene, English, German and Italian!


    In case you cannot reach Mateja Berce on the number above, please call. 

    Mateja M. +386 41 290 654


    +386 41 290 654


    Podkoren 79, 4280 Kranjska Gora

    Local House Manager – Mateja B.


    Podkoren 79, 4280 Kranjska Gora